It was written by
Platon, a greek phylosopher: He said “as it
didn´t exist anything, the gods gather together and just disposed to
created beings. They made them from the guts of our earth – that means
from the deepest part… and they were made with earth and fire… (this of course, is not true, it just a way of seeing things)
anyhow these gods wanted to distribute talents to the creatures of their
creation: So some gods were chosen to distribute these talents: Prometeo and
Epimeteo. Epimeteo distributed them between the earth made creatures, and
Prometeo was to supervised, if he did it well. Some got huge
dimensions, others like the small creatures got speed, so they could compensate
the size disadvantage. The ones who got longevity, they gave them small
fecundity (that means less ability to multiplied
themselves). Those being, who should live for short time, gave them the
capacity to reproduced in huge amounts.
Others got fur, so they could protect themselves from the hard winters,
but when Epimeteo, came to men, he had already distributed all the talents. He
has no special thing to protect his body, all gifts
were given, so he did not know what to do. The time was coming when Jupiter was
going to look, how these Gods have made their
work… he had trusted to Prometeo and Epimeteo. As Prometeo saw, that man
was naked, defenceless, he thought he had no other choice but to steal to
Minerva and Vulcano. The tale says,
he stole: wisdom, technic and fire,.. who would help the
defenceless of men. Jupiter didn´t feel offended and allowed men to keep
these gifts. Since men could not live in peace, and had no political sense,
whatsoever.. But these gifts,
were kept by Jupiter, and even a thief like Prometeo, could not taken them form
him… But our God Jupiter, felt mercy for men and he sent the God Mercury
to give as gits to men, Jupiter though it would be good for man to have :
“ prudence, justice, and self- respect … but Mercury asked Jupiter, how he should
distribute this gifts: he asked: -shall I distribute them as the other ones? He
was no sure, if it would be enough, to have one person in a group (like a doctor, or a shoe maker) No,
no,no, Jupiter answered him, Political virtue: which includes: prudence,
justice and self-respect, has to be distributed to everyone, since we
–the gods- could not trust one man only, to practice it”. Very
clever, the greeks, indeed… aren´t they? Data to the book: “Antropología
filosófica contemporánea” = Contemporary philosophical
antropology” from Juan David García Bacca, venezuelan
anthropologe. (Antropologe = that means someone who study the science of men
and his development) He explains in a serie of discussions made in |